Au travers de créations artistiques et ses détournements d’objets, Pica Pica sensibilise à la réduction des déchets et lutte contre le gaspillage. Des expositions sont proposées, ainsi que des ateliers et des installations.

Monday, 15 February 2016

December 2015: 'Stop Pub' suitcase with Court Circuit Ressourcerie.

Tracey was commissioned by Court Circuit to realise
the idea of a fold away stand promoting the arguments for
 placing a 'Nopublicity' sticker on your letterbox...

Viewers are invited to weigh a month's publicity....
on average 2 kilos of unsolicited pub arrives in your
letterbox each month.
The concept was initiated by Adelaide (behind) of the SME
-organisation responsible for the reduction of waste in our area.